How to Backup and Restore a PostgreSQL Database
Its very important to backup and restore any kind of database. Suppose your testing server or production server have an issue but you can’t find the issue locally. So how can you check the issue and solve it. For solve the issue you need to backup the server database and restore it locally. After restoring you can check the issue and solve it. This problem have raised as your local and server configuration are not same always.
Database Backup
We will use pg_dump tool to backup database. pg_dump dumps a database as a text file or to other formats. It will dump all the contents of a selected database into a single file. We need to run pg_dump in the command line on the computer where the database is stored. So if the database is stored on a remote server, you will need to SSH to that server. Here I will discuss two of of backup database:
First Way
We backup database as a plain-text file format containing SQL script. Run the following command in the remote server terminal:
sudo pg_dump -U <db_user> -f </path/to/your/file/name_of_dump_file.sql> <db_name>
- -U to specify which user will connect to the PostgreSQL database server.
- db_user means database username
- -f is used to specify the output format of file.
- db_name means database name
- name_of_dump_file means backup database file name
- .sql means backup database file as plain-text file containing SQL script.
If your db_user is khan, db_name is test_db and want to save the database in Downloads folder then
sudo pg_dump -U khan -W -F t test_db > /home/khan/Downloads/bk_test_db_02_05_2018.sql
bk_test_db_02_05_2018.sql contains all the SQL queries that are required to restore your database. You will find your dump file in the path you provide. Database backup part is done, lets move on next restoring part.
Second Way
Run the following command in the remote server terminal:
sudo pg_dump -U db_user -W -F t db_name > /path/to/your/file/name_of_dump_file.tar
- -U to specify which user will connect to the PostgreSQL database server.
- db_user means database username
- -W will force pg_dump to prompt for a password before connecting to the server.
- -F is used to specify the format of the output file, which can be one of the following:
- p - plain-text SQL script
- c - custom-format archive
- d - directory-format archive
- t - tar-format archive
- db_name means database name
- name_of_dump_file.tar means backup database file name
To see list of command for pg_dump use pg_dump -? in the terminal
If your db_user is khan, db_name is test_db and want to save the database in Downloads folder then
sudo pg_dump -U khan -W -F t test_db > /home/khan/Downloads/bk_test_db_02_05_2018.tar
bk_test_db_02_05_2018.tar contains all the SQL queries that are required to restore your database. You will find your dump file in the path you provide.
Backup Database Copy to Local
To restore database we need to copy the remote server backup dump file locally. For this run the following command in the local terminal:
scp username@remote:/file/to/send /where/to/put
If your username is user and remote server is then
scp user@ /home/khan/Downloads
Now go to your Downloads folder you will see this bk_test_db_02_05_2018.sql file.
Database Restore
There are two ways to restore a PostgreSQL database:
- psql for restoring from a plain SQL script file created with pg_dump,
- pg_restore for restoring from a .tar file, directory, or custom format created with pg_dump.
First Way: Restore a database with psql
Run the following command in the local terminal to restore your plain-text file containing SQL script:
sudo psql -U <db_user> -d <new_created_db_name> -f </path/to/your/file/dump file that you want to restore>
- -U to specify which user will connect to the PostgreSQL database server.
- db_user means database username
- -d to specify which new created database you will restore your backup database.
- -f is used to specify the output format of file.
If your db_user is khan, newly created db is new_test_db and backup file is bk_test_db_02_05_2018.sql then run following command
sudo psql -U khan -d new_test_db -f /home/khan/Downloads/bk_test_db_02_05_2018.sql
After entering the command you will see some tamil/telegu programming UI. Now go to your pgadmin view and you will see the restore database.
Second Way: Restore a database with pg_restore
Here we use pg_restore to restore our database locally. If you choose custom, directory, or archive format when creating a backup file, then you will need to use pg_restore in order to restore your database. Using the following command locally:
sudo pg_restore -d <new_created_db_name> </path/to/your/file/dump file that you want to restore> -c -U <db_user>
- new_created_db_name means new created database where you wanna store backup database
If you use pg_restore you have various options available, for example:
- -c to drop database objects before recreating them,
- -C to create a database before restoring into it,
- -e exit if an error has encountered,
- -F format to specify the format of the archive.
Use pg_restore -? to get the full list of available options.
Restore our bk_test_db_02_05_2018.tar database command will be
sudo pg_restore -d new_test_db /home/user/Downloads/bk_database_02_05_2018.tar -c -U user
Now go to your management tool for PostgreSQL like pgadmin, [datagrip]( “”) view and you will see the restore database.
See the next tutorial How to Backup and Restore a AWS RDS PostgreSQL Database
Some useful link that I have followed:
Note: If you have any query or any upgradation of my writing or any mistakes please comment and suggest me. You are warmly welcomed always.